Pro členy ČSIM on-line ultrazvukový workshop: Winfocus „POW! – “Point-Of-care One-world Workshops”
Since a few days WF WC 2022 congress website and registrations are open: We are so thankful to the many organizations and speakers that agreed to join the event, which has reached a magnitude beyond our wildest expectations: 250+ speaker from 70+ countries, 51 sessions, 128hours of conference in 11 different languages, 20.000+ expected participants.
As done for WF WC 2021, this year again free registration to the virtual congress will be granted to all members of endorsing Scientific Societies / Academic Institutions. It’s a policy we started last year in order to reach the widest possible audience, and offer free PoCUS education.
Needless to say, we would extremely happy being able to offer free attendance to the virtual conference to all the members of your Scientific Organization. I am herewith attaching for this purpose a formal request. Upon approval of the endorsement, all the members of your Society will be able to benefit the registration fee waiver by simply indicating the name of your Organization as affiliation in the registration form.
Winfocus Letter to Endorsing Societies